BEGIN TVBLOCK [sequence length] l1000 [sample size] s30 [mutation rate] u0.00001 [number of replicates] n1 [substitution model] vHKY t4.0 f0.3,0.2,0.3,0.2 [f0.3,0.2,0.3,0.2] [r0.1,0.1,0.5,0.2,0.1,1.0] [rate heterogeneity] a0.5 g4 [c0.2,0.2,1.0] [a0.1 g8] [output coalescent times] [haploid] [Sample Size Per Period] z6 [Periods] p5 [internal Nodes sampling probability] i1 [0=No-sampling, 01 all] [No clock] k [generation time/variance in offspring number] b1.0 [1.0 = Wright-Fisher] [Output File] xC:\out.txt *PERIOD 1 [length of period] t2200.0 [population size] n1000000 e0.0 [subdivision] d1 [m0.000001] [recombination] r0.0000000001 *END *PERIOD 2 [population size] np e0.001 [subdivision] d1 [m0.000001] [recombination] r0.00000002 *END